Editors' Notes

Dear Readers,

We would like to take this opportunity of wishing all of you a very happy new year. This year will provide some exciting opportunities for nursing. The consultation document " Lifelong investment in health " will be an important focus for discussion and provides an opportunity for nurses to contribute their ideas and views to the development of health care in the SAR. We hope that readers might use the newsletter to air some of their views about the proposals, particularly as some of the proposed changes focus on primary care and community based care which have implications for nursing practice and education. Continuing education, as shown in this and the previous edition of the newsletter continues to be an important issue for nursing education. Questions continue as to whether it is a good idea to introduce mandatory continuing education and if so how this should be implemented and monitored. Once again we would welcome comments and views from out readers on this important topic.

For this issue and the next, we have invited senior nurses from the Hospital Authority, the Department of Health as well as the private sector to share information and views on the implementation of continuing nursing education (CNE) in their own institution or area of practice. We hope that through the exchange of experience and ideas, we could learn from one another and enhance understanding of the current development of nursing and nursing education in different sectors. More importantly, we hope that this may help remove barriers between sectors and pool innovative ideas conducive to the future development of the nursing profession.

Now, just pick up you pen and write in! We are expecting you valuable contributions!

Best regards,
Anne Marie & Sheila